
Returns Stockfish's response to the current position.

Name Description Required
Skill Level The skill level. Yes
depth The number of half moves the engine looks ahead. Yes



Start a classical game, play e2e4 and use Stockfish to respond with a move.

ws.send('/start classical stockfish w');
ws.send('/play_lan w e2e4');
ws.send('/stockfish "{\\"Skill Level\\":20}" "{\\"depth\\":12}"');
  "/stockfish": {
    "turn": "w",
    "pgn": "c5",
    "castlingAbility": "KQkq",
    "movetext": "1.e4 c5",
    "fen": "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6",
    "isCapture": false,
    "isCheck": false,
    "isMate": false,
    "isStalemate": false,
    "isFivefoldRepetition": false,
    "mode": "stockfish",
    "variant": "classical"