

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Stockfish >= 15.1


Clone the chesslablab/chess-server repo into your projects folder. Then cd the chess-server directory and install the Composer dependencies:

composer install

Create an .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Finally, you may want to add the following entry to your /etc/hosts file if running the chess server on your localhost along with the ChesslaBlab website as per the WEBSOCKET_HOST variable defined in the assets/env.example.js file.

Run the Chess Server

PHP Chess Server uses Workerman WebSockets.

Script Description
cli/workerman/wss.php Secure WebSocket.

Alternatively, it can use Ratchet WebSockets.

Script Description
cli/ratchet/wss.php Secure WebSocket.

Before starting the secure WebSocket server for the first time, make sure to have created the fullchain.pem and privkey.pem files in the ssl folder.

php cli/workerman/wss.php start -d

This will allow the ALLOWED_USER_AGENT_HOST defined in the .env file to send requests to the chess server.

Run the Chess Server on a Docker Container

The chess server can also run on a Docker container.

docker compose -f docker-compose.wss.yml up -d